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Thursday, June 7, 2012


Author: Suzanne Weyn

       It's ten years from the present, and time has run out for mankind. All the world's fuel sources have been depleted due to overuse, and the war for oil is reeking havoc on the United States. Caught up in the aftermath are a series of teenagers doing whatever it takes to survive in an apocolyptic world. This evolutionary journey of self discovery showcases Suzanne Weyn's undoubtable knowledge of the inner workings of an adolescent's mind while staying true to their voice. Told from alternating viewpoint perspectives, this story of unbearable tragedy and hope for the future will leave you a changed individual. Suzanne Weyn is a wonderfully gifted dystopian author whose books hold a sacred space on my bookshelf. She penned such childhood favorites of mine like "The Bar Code Tattoo" and its sequel, "The Bar Code Rebellion", and her latest work was no disappointment. I was having a bad day when I settled down on my couch and cracked open my copy of "Empty". Before I knew it, an hour had gone by, and I had devoured the entire novel in one sitting. Weyn once again had worked her magic charm, and I found myself consumed by a world as real feeling as my very own. Suzanne Weyn's "Empty" is a splendid treat that will leave her fans as loyal as ever, and earn her even more admirers.

Edge of Ready

Author:  L.B Tillit

        Donna Garia is a Latin American teenager struggling to cope with the stress of her family falling apart. After her mother became pregnant with her boss' child and is promptly fired, Donna is intrusted with Benny's care while she searches for a new job. Unfortunately, Donna is forced to deal with her own drama. Her best friend Ruth is acting abnormally, her grades are dropping, and she is sleeping with the school's most notorious womanizer,Evron. And when Donna finds herself viciously assaulted one rainy night, she feels like giving up hope. Can she find the courage to face her abuser and graduate from high school on time?

"Edge of Ready" is a beautiful story from Gravel Road, a perfect high-low book choice for any inner-city/urban librarians book shelf. With a plot line that is relevant to the problems faced by youth today, paired with simple vocabulary essential for their reading level.