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Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Dead-Tossed Waves

Author: Carrie Ryan

         Carrie Ryan is back and better than ever with her stunning sequel to the post apocolyptic zombie thriller, "In the Forest of Hands and Teeth". This follow up YA novel chronicles the life of Gabrielle and the Vista, the compound where she and a colony of humans have band together to ward off attacks from the infected "Mudo". In the small town bordered by the ocean and large fence barriers, any knowledge of the diseased zombies have become a thing of legend. With the village elders still reeling from the catostrophic plague that devestated the world, the young teens begin to grow restless. Seeking out forbidden thrills, Gabrielle, her friend Cira, and a couple others set out towards the abandoned amusement park, a final relic from a world before the "Return". What the teens find there is the unimaginable. A Mudo girl had infiltrated their formly safe haven, attacking and infecting two kids, including Cira's brother Catcher. Gabrielle managed to escape the horrors of the blood bath unscathed, while Catcher suquesters himself deep into the woods, far from anyone he loves. With the fallout of the amusement park yielding serious consequences, Gabrielle finds herself compelled to lie, remaining mum about her involvement as to not upset her mother. But Gabrielle's mother is harboring dark secrets about her past, secrets that threaten to destroy the only life she has ever known. Can Gabrielle repair her relationship with her mother and save Catcher before the disease ravages his body? Find out in "The Dead Tossed Waves".

        Carrie Ryan has once again proven her talents and staying power with this vastly creative sequel. In the novel, Carrie delves even deeper into the very fabric of the dystopian world she has concocted, adding details so life like you can practically taste the sea salt air blowing off the ocean spray. Her character developement and interaction only further enhances an already pleasent reading experience, making it all the more terrifying. Using tips from the throwback days of Steven King, Ryan uses visual context clues to keep her audience on the edge of their seats and glancing over their shoulders. Overall, "The Dead-Tossed Waves" is a unique and magical journey well worth taking.

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