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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Book Review Dogtag Summer

Dogtag Summer
by Elizabeth Partridge

Tracy has never felt like she belonged. In Vietnam, she was con lai, half breed, because her father was an American GI. Life with her new family in America isn't much different.

When she and her best friend, Stargazer, stumble upon her father's old ammo box and war dogtags, they bring on a slew of questions without answers. She is flooded with memories from her past in Vietnam during the war, and she discovers more about herself than she had ever known.

Elizabeth Partridge bravely delves into the complications war has on families. Those who have ever felt as though they were strangers in their own homes will connect with Tracy's struggles to find herself. Alternating between the past and present, the author takes readers on an unforgettable journey.

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

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