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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

PSLA Conference 2012! The prequel

DuBois Area High School junior Monica Sheffo recently won an essay contest sponsored by the Pennsylvania School Librarians Association called “Me? A School Librarian.” In winning, Sheffo earned an expenses-paid trip to the PSLA annual conference in Hershey April 12-14.

DuBOIS – DuBois Area High School junior Monica Sheffo wants to be a school librarian some day. It was only fitting that she entered an essay contest sponsored by the Pennsylvania School Librarians Association called “Me? A School Librarian.” Sheffo did and won, earning an expenses-paid trip to the PSLA’s annual conference in Hershey April 12-14.

DAHS librarian Mrs. Ginny Schott entered Sheffo into the contest with a letter of recommendation along with two essays from Sheffo answering the questions: “The best thing about my school library is …” and “The one thing I would change about my school library is …”

In her letter of recommendation, Schott noted that Sheffo “shows enthusiasm for our profession and has volunteered many days after school to help in our school library.” Schott went on to say that even after having eye surgery Sheffo spent hours working on her essay against her mother’s wishes because of the surgery. “This is a girl who really takes her career plans seriously!” Schott wrote.

In one essay, Sheffo wrote the best part about her school’s library is the librarian and her aide. Sheffo wrote, “Mrs. Schott has made it her priority to create a warm and welcoming environment that both students and teachers flock to.” Sheffo also said that Mrs. Kessler, the former library aide, also played a significant role in encouraging her desire to become a school librarian.

In her other essay, Sheffo wrote about the significant reduction in funding the school library received due to state budget cuts. Sheffo said if there was one thing she could change about her school library it would be to restore book funding.

Sheffo also had to answer why she wanted to attend the conference. “Attending this conference would provide me with an opportunity to gain a more thorough understanding of all that being a librarian entails. It would also create connections with other students who share my passion of books, as well as professionals in this field,” she wrote.

In addition to volunteering at the library, Sheffo participates in theater, mock trial and peer mediation. She is a member of both NHS and the International Thespian Society. She is a youth leader for grades 2 and 3 for Vacation Bible School each summer. She also runs the technology booth at Lakeside United Methodist Church during the contemporary service and is employed by Hoss's Steak and Sea as a hostess.

500 Liberty Blvd.
DuBois, PA 15801

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