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Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Hunger Games Movie

Well, tonight I finally went to see The Hunger Games in theaters, and needless to say, it was nothing short of mind blowing.
Though there were some plot inconsistancies regarding the origin of Rue's song (In the book, Rue teaches Katniss the song that would later become synonimous with her death.) which in the movie was sung by Katniss to calm Prim's fears about the impending Reaping. The movie also neglected to incorporate the features of the fallen tributes into the genetically inhanced wolves that kill the final remaining contestants. nonetheless, all fans of the beloved trilogy penned by the brilliant Suzanne Collins, who also contributed to the film as co-screenwriter, proved that the world indeed would be watching as the midnight premeire along raked in 68.3 million dollars, the most profitable opening day for a non-sequel film yet.
Though the film goofed up in a major way(Rue's death was never signaled by the shot of a cannon nor was it announced via a large screen at night), the powerful emotions and strength of the acters in roles large and small distinctly seperates them from the pained, forced connections made by the cast of another famous trilogy(sorry Twilight). I myself was surprised at the utter believability of Josh Hutcherson's Peeta, whom I had admittedly written off in my mind due to previous career choices in such films as Journey to the Center of the Earth. His chemistry with the stunning Jennifer Lawerence is more adorable than strained, and Liam Hemsworth's Gale managed some major significant glances that could rival the intensity burning in the eyes of a certain teenage werewolf also forced to play second fiddle to a dashing pretty boy.
Either way, even the most cynical of Hunger Games critics will find themselves at least mildly amused, and may the odds be ever in our favor that the next two (or three:) ) films will be just as entertaining.

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