What I'm Currently Loving

  • the preview of "The Host" movie

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Dead-Tossed Waves

Author: Carrie Ryan

         Carrie Ryan is back and better than ever with her stunning sequel to the post apocolyptic zombie thriller, "In the Forest of Hands and Teeth". This follow up YA novel chronicles the life of Gabrielle and the Vista, the compound where she and a colony of humans have band together to ward off attacks from the infected "Mudo". In the small town bordered by the ocean and large fence barriers, any knowledge of the diseased zombies have become a thing of legend. With the village elders still reeling from the catostrophic plague that devestated the world, the young teens begin to grow restless. Seeking out forbidden thrills, Gabrielle, her friend Cira, and a couple others set out towards the abandoned amusement park, a final relic from a world before the "Return". What the teens find there is the unimaginable. A Mudo girl had infiltrated their formly safe haven, attacking and infecting two kids, including Cira's brother Catcher. Gabrielle managed to escape the horrors of the blood bath unscathed, while Catcher suquesters himself deep into the woods, far from anyone he loves. With the fallout of the amusement park yielding serious consequences, Gabrielle finds herself compelled to lie, remaining mum about her involvement as to not upset her mother. But Gabrielle's mother is harboring dark secrets about her past, secrets that threaten to destroy the only life she has ever known. Can Gabrielle repair her relationship with her mother and save Catcher before the disease ravages his body? Find out in "The Dead Tossed Waves".

        Carrie Ryan has once again proven her talents and staying power with this vastly creative sequel. In the novel, Carrie delves even deeper into the very fabric of the dystopian world she has concocted, adding details so life like you can practically taste the sea salt air blowing off the ocean spray. Her character developement and interaction only further enhances an already pleasent reading experience, making it all the more terrifying. Using tips from the throwback days of Steven King, Ryan uses visual context clues to keep her audience on the edge of their seats and glancing over their shoulders. Overall, "The Dead-Tossed Waves" is a unique and magical journey well worth taking.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Author: Suzanne Weyn

       It's ten years from the present, and time has run out for mankind. All the world's fuel sources have been depleted due to overuse, and the war for oil is reeking havoc on the United States. Caught up in the aftermath are a series of teenagers doing whatever it takes to survive in an apocolyptic world. This evolutionary journey of self discovery showcases Suzanne Weyn's undoubtable knowledge of the inner workings of an adolescent's mind while staying true to their voice. Told from alternating viewpoint perspectives, this story of unbearable tragedy and hope for the future will leave you a changed individual. Suzanne Weyn is a wonderfully gifted dystopian author whose books hold a sacred space on my bookshelf. She penned such childhood favorites of mine like "The Bar Code Tattoo" and its sequel, "The Bar Code Rebellion", and her latest work was no disappointment. I was having a bad day when I settled down on my couch and cracked open my copy of "Empty". Before I knew it, an hour had gone by, and I had devoured the entire novel in one sitting. Weyn once again had worked her magic charm, and I found myself consumed by a world as real feeling as my very own. Suzanne Weyn's "Empty" is a splendid treat that will leave her fans as loyal as ever, and earn her even more admirers.

Edge of Ready

Author:  L.B Tillit

        Donna Garia is a Latin American teenager struggling to cope with the stress of her family falling apart. After her mother became pregnant with her boss' child and is promptly fired, Donna is intrusted with Benny's care while she searches for a new job. Unfortunately, Donna is forced to deal with her own drama. Her best friend Ruth is acting abnormally, her grades are dropping, and she is sleeping with the school's most notorious womanizer,Evron. And when Donna finds herself viciously assaulted one rainy night, she feels like giving up hope. Can she find the courage to face her abuser and graduate from high school on time?

"Edge of Ready" is a beautiful story from Gravel Road, a perfect high-low book choice for any inner-city/urban librarians book shelf. With a plot line that is relevant to the problems faced by youth today, paired with simple vocabulary essential for their reading level.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

PSLA Conference 2012! The prequel

DuBois Area High School junior Monica Sheffo recently won an essay contest sponsored by the Pennsylvania School Librarians Association called “Me? A School Librarian.” In winning, Sheffo earned an expenses-paid trip to the PSLA annual conference in Hershey April 12-14.

DuBOIS – DuBois Area High School junior Monica Sheffo wants to be a school librarian some day. It was only fitting that she entered an essay contest sponsored by the Pennsylvania School Librarians Association called “Me? A School Librarian.” Sheffo did and won, earning an expenses-paid trip to the PSLA’s annual conference in Hershey April 12-14.

DAHS librarian Mrs. Ginny Schott entered Sheffo into the contest with a letter of recommendation along with two essays from Sheffo answering the questions: “The best thing about my school library is …” and “The one thing I would change about my school library is …”

In her letter of recommendation, Schott noted that Sheffo “shows enthusiasm for our profession and has volunteered many days after school to help in our school library.” Schott went on to say that even after having eye surgery Sheffo spent hours working on her essay against her mother’s wishes because of the surgery. “This is a girl who really takes her career plans seriously!” Schott wrote.

In one essay, Sheffo wrote the best part about her school’s library is the librarian and her aide. Sheffo wrote, “Mrs. Schott has made it her priority to create a warm and welcoming environment that both students and teachers flock to.” Sheffo also said that Mrs. Kessler, the former library aide, also played a significant role in encouraging her desire to become a school librarian.

In her other essay, Sheffo wrote about the significant reduction in funding the school library received due to state budget cuts. Sheffo said if there was one thing she could change about her school library it would be to restore book funding.

Sheffo also had to answer why she wanted to attend the conference. “Attending this conference would provide me with an opportunity to gain a more thorough understanding of all that being a librarian entails. It would also create connections with other students who share my passion of books, as well as professionals in this field,” she wrote.

In addition to volunteering at the library, Sheffo participates in theater, mock trial and peer mediation. She is a member of both NHS and the International Thespian Society. She is a youth leader for grades 2 and 3 for Vacation Bible School each summer. She also runs the technology booth at Lakeside United Methodist Church during the contemporary service and is employed by Hoss's Steak and Sea as a hostess.

500 Liberty Blvd.
DuBois, PA 15801

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Healing Spell

By Kimberley Griffiths

Filled with mystery and old Southern charm, this book has serious heart.

In THE HEALING SPELL, Livie is trying to cope with her mother's current state. She is in a coma. Also, she has a secret so big it threatens to consume her if anyone were to find out.

Livie would do anything to get her mother back, which leads her to seek the help of a voodoo healer. And it is this healer who sends her on a journey she will never forget.

As mystical and breathtaking as the bayou itself, Kimberley Griffiths Little's story about the unspoken love between a mother and her daughter is sure to move you. With characters full of personality and life, you will easily find yourself falling in love with this struggling family. This really is a perfect read.



By Eireann Corrigan

Best friends Chloe and Finn have a secret. They have developed a plan to attract prospective colleges with a bogus kidnapping.

But when the plan spirals out of control, will the girls be able to stick to their story, or will their bizarre scheme be exposed?

Captivatingly powerful, Eireann Corrigan's latest novel is a thrilling ride from beginning to end. Her unique characters have you entertained from page one and continue to surprise you throughout the entire story.

Corrigan takes the classic white lie tale to the next level with ACCOMPLICE, and her cliffhanger ending will leave you longing for more.

Along the River

By Adeline Yen Mah

CC is a young Chinese girl whose own misfortune landed her in a hospital in a coma. When she reawakens three weeks later, she feels and appears fine.

That is, except for an unusual obsession with a painting called "Along the River at Qing Ming".

A session with a hypnotherapist reveals the unthinkable. CC is possessed with the spirit of Zang Mei Lang, a young girl from the Song Dynasty, desperate to tell her story.

CHINESE CINDERELLA's Adeline Yen Mah delights again in ALONG THE RIVER. Mah's gift of storytelling is evident on every page of this coming-of-age tale about two young girls linked across time, blending the beauty of the old ways with the promise of the future in ways that will both surprise and entertain you.

This one is a real treat.


By Samantha Young

Disturbingly delicious, Sam Young shines in her debut novel.

In LUNARMORTE, the first of a trilogy, we follow Caia, the newest member of a Lycan wolf pack, as she struggles to fit into a family she has never known. Adding to the list of her troubles is the pack leader, Lucien, who has the hots for her.

But when a friend goes missing, will she have the courage to do what's right and save her, or will she be too late?

Ms. Young is the latest author to jump on the werewolf craze, which she does with effortless style. She individualizes her tale with mythological roots and a fantastical world full of magic and endless possibilities. Young's characters take on a life of their own to the point where you can't help but believe they're real.

A fair warning, this intoxicating romance will leave you hungry for more!


Swapped by a Kiss

By Luisa Plaja

Rachel is in love. So is her friend, Jo. Unfortunately, they're in love with the same boy, Rachel's boyfriend, David.

So when Rachel catches Jo and David kissing at a music festival, adding fuel to their already disintegrating relationship, she finds herself wishing to be anywhere else. Instead, she finds herself trapped inside the body of none other than Jo herself!

Will she and Jo find a way to switch back, or will they be stuck forever?

Luisa Plaja's British chick-lit is full of spunk and sass. Rachel and Jo epitomize the time old, if not slightly overused, tale about walking in another person's shoes (literally) to figure out what their life is like. The pace at times lags, but the characters do have a realism that will make them relatable to any girl who has ever been in love.


My Desperate Love Diary

By Liz Rettig

Kelly Ann is completely in love with the man of her dreams, whom she only refers to as "G". She's positive he also likes her.

If only things were that easy.

Kelly Ann's got a secret admirer, parents who are on the verge of a split, and a pregnant sister. Plus, high school! With the help of her friends, can she survive school and figure out her secret admirer's identity, as well as win the heart of the school's most notorious player?

As reliable as your best girl friend, Ms. Rettig delivers yet another chick lit hit. Her protagonist is relateable, like a girl who lives just down the street, and the British lingo adds a quirky twist. The plot, though familiar, is still enjoyable as you laugh along with Kelly Ann as she struggles with first love and loss.

Lighthearted and fun, MY DESPERATE LOVE DIARY is sure to please!


Saturday, March 24, 2012


This site is hysterical! Daily readings from this "throne tome" made taking the Pssa's actually fun. Or as fun as any standardized state mandated test could be. :)

Things that annoy me

Ever since the receent closing of a certain reviewing site, I couldn't help but wonder whatever happened to the books I was told were in the mail in May 2011? And more importantly, where are the reviews that I had written? After some searching(thanks aol!) I finally found them. My reviews had been moved to a completely different site without my knowledge, and taking credit for them was someone I had once respected. Not only were they under the heading as her reviews, when I attempted to read all of my own reviews, the site instructed me that I had to open an account and friend this person before looking into her "bookshelf". A bookshelf, mind you, that is home to books reviewed by moi.

The Winter of Red Snow (Dear America)

by Kristiana Gregory

Abigail is a young girl living in Valley Forge during the Revolutionary War. She and her family are enduring great struggles during this hard time, between the birth of a new baby to the battles seemingly taking place right outside their doorstep.

She must get used to the idea that sides must be chosen, loyalties will be tested, and the true reason of what it means to be an American will be realized.

Smart and honest, this story is the perfect read for a budding young history buff. Ms. Gregory writes as Abigail, completely capturing the innocent view of a child forced to grow up in a time of war and great change. Young readers will be able to relate to Abigail's challenges while learning about history along the way.

Printed with a new cover and format, THE WINTER OF RED SNOW is flawless.

Under My Skin

by Judith Graves

Eryn isn't like other girls. After all, that's what got her sentenced to living in Redgrave. She is a part-wolven, part-human girl banished to the small town in an attempt to destroy the magic that runs in her veins.

But when she discovers that she isn't the only magical being around, everything changes. Suddenly, she is the newest member of Redgrave's own paranormal detective squad, as well as being caught in a love triangle as epic as the TWILIGHT saga's.

She finds herself being forced to choose who she really wants to be with - the dark, brooding Wade, or the protective Alec. In a place where wolves are frequent guests and vampires run the town, will Eryn's life ever be normal?

Dripping with wit and humor, Judith Graves' UNDER MY SKIN is electric. Eryn battles werewolves, vampires, and high school armed with her unique sarcasm that all teens can relate to. She writes with a brutal honesty that makes her story stand out in a sea of novels and connects with the readers. Ms. Graves steps inside the reader's mind and leaves with the promise of two sequels in the future to keep your thirst at bay!



by Kimberly Marcus

Liz and Katie have been best friends for as long as they both can remember. But that all changes when Katie begins acting strangely. She ignores Liz in the halls, loses interest in her hobbies, and isolates herself from everyone.

A confrontation reveals the unimaginable. Katie had been raped, and the rapist was a member of Liz's own family.

Liz suddenly finds her life spinning out of control as she struggles to come to terms with Katie's shocking allegations. Will she be able to pick up the pieces of her shattered life, or will her friendship with Katie never recover?

Emotional and raw, Kimberly Marcus writes in a brutally honest free verse similar to that of Ellen Hopkins. She reaches to find the true heart and soul of a teenager and is extremely successful. The pain the characters are experiencing is evident in every line, creating a breathtaking piece of literature. EXPOSED is easily one of the best books I have read all year. I couldn't put it down - and neither will you.

The Hunger Games Movie

Well, tonight I finally went to see The Hunger Games in theaters, and needless to say, it was nothing short of mind blowing.
Though there were some plot inconsistancies regarding the origin of Rue's song (In the book, Rue teaches Katniss the song that would later become synonimous with her death.) which in the movie was sung by Katniss to calm Prim's fears about the impending Reaping. The movie also neglected to incorporate the features of the fallen tributes into the genetically inhanced wolves that kill the final remaining contestants. nonetheless, all fans of the beloved trilogy penned by the brilliant Suzanne Collins, who also contributed to the film as co-screenwriter, proved that the world indeed would be watching as the midnight premeire along raked in 68.3 million dollars, the most profitable opening day for a non-sequel film yet.
Though the film goofed up in a major way(Rue's death was never signaled by the shot of a cannon nor was it announced via a large screen at night), the powerful emotions and strength of the acters in roles large and small distinctly seperates them from the pained, forced connections made by the cast of another famous trilogy(sorry Twilight). I myself was surprised at the utter believability of Josh Hutcherson's Peeta, whom I had admittedly written off in my mind due to previous career choices in such films as Journey to the Center of the Earth. His chemistry with the stunning Jennifer Lawerence is more adorable than strained, and Liam Hemsworth's Gale managed some major significant glances that could rival the intensity burning in the eyes of a certain teenage werewolf also forced to play second fiddle to a dashing pretty boy.
Either way, even the most cynical of Hunger Games critics will find themselves at least mildly amused, and may the odds be ever in our favor that the next two (or three:) ) films will be just as entertaining.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Indigo Notebook

Author: Laura Resau

At fifteen, Zeeta's life as been anything but ordinary. In those fifteen years, she has lived in fifteen different countries with her flighty single mother, Layla.

To document her many experiences and the interesting people she has met along the way, Zeeta keeps a journal. Each journal is a different color to symbolize the country she was living in at the time.

This year, she's in Ecuador, where she first meets Wendell, an American boy in search of the birth family he's never known. When she promises to aid him on his quest, she isn't fully aware of what she is agreeing to. Together, they will depart on a journey full of magic and self-discovery as they begin to fall for one another, leading them to realizations that will change their lives forever.

Laura Resau presents her readers with a unique plot and a memorable cast of characters, creating an unforgettable read. Zeeta is a strong, independent protagonist who many girls will aspire to be like, and with good reason.

Infused with the local language as well as Ecuador's rich culture, THE INDIGO NOTEBOOK is a treasure in its own right.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Soul in Love

by Vone Savan

Amber and London are young and in love. Nothing can touch them or their perfect lives.

Nothing, that is, until a car accident causes London's untimely death. Shortly after the accident, Amber begins to hear whispers of his voice, and sees apparitions.

Is it truly London reaching out from beyond the grave, or is something far more sinister playing with Amber's mind? Find out what it really means to be a soul in love in this exciting new book!

Vone Savan's debut novel starts off slow, with somewhat cliched dialogue that reads far from sincere. He redeems himself a few chapters later, though, with a gripping storyline and characters that are more believable. At times the dialogue can feel commonplace and repetitive, but the shocking twist of an ending makes up for any flaws!

Nascha and the Medicine Man: Book One, Return of the Chindi

by Leah Leonard

After a series of tragedies leaves her without a place to call home, Sasha is sent to live with a father she had believed to be dead. Her father, Red Feather, lives on a Navajo reservation in New Mexico, where he is the tribe's medicine man.

Still pained by the hurt of losing her mother and grandmother, Sasha feels like an outsider because she is also half African-American. With the help of her father, Nacsha, as she is now called, learns to hone her ability to see dead people, as well as to develop her skills as the next Navajo healer.

Will she stick around New Mexico with her Shaman father, or will Nascha follow in her mother's footsteps and return to New York as soon as she can?

Leah Leonard gives readers an inside look at the world of the Navajo in this heartwarming story of hardship and the importance of family. Teens will be engrossed by Nascha's dramatic transformation, and entertained until the very last page.


Maybe Now, Maybe Never

by Kimberly Joy Peters

Still reeling from her abusive relationship with her ex, Tyler, Caitlyn is struggling to regain normalcy in her life. But when the opportunity arises for her to travel to Quebec on a French language exchange, she reluctantly takes it.

With her friend, Connor, by her side and a new host family, can Caitlyn heal the scars of her past, and find the courage to look towards the future?

Kimberly Joy Peters' talent is showcased once more in this heartwarming sequel to the novel PAINTING CAITLYN. Readers will sympathize with Caitlyn as she navigates the rough waters of new love and the heartbreak from her past. This novel is unique and good to the last drop.

Book Review Trauma Queen

Trauma Queen
by Barbara Dee

Attending three schools in four years isn't easy, so try adding a performance artist mother into the mix. For Marigold, this nightmare is her reality as she begins 7th grade at Samuel J. Crompton Middle School.

Her new school seems to be filled with one disaster after another, like wearing pj's to school on the very first day. Things go from bad to worse when her mother decides to teach an improv class at her school.

Can Marigold and her friendships survive her mother? Find out in TRAUMA QUEEN!

Barbara Dee presents readers with a fun and fluffy novel that proves how true the statement "you can't pick your family" is. Using likeable characters and mortifying, embarrassing circumstances, this novel will resonate with middle school girls and their mothers alike.

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

Book Review Strings Attached

Strings Attached
by Judy Blundell

Gold Star Award Winner!

Kit Corrigan is an eighteen-year-old from Providence who moves to New York City in the 1950s to break into show business. But her dreams of Broadway stardom aren't as attainable as she had hoped.

Instead, she finds herself working as a chorus girl, practically homeless, and desperate to forget the misfortunes that seem to follow her family everywhere.

One night during a performance, she spots a piece of her past better left forgotten - the father of her former love. He's wealthy and dangerous, and offers her a luxury apartment for free, no strings attached. It seems too perfect to be true. And it is.

Kit soon finds herself trapped in a web of lies that threaten to consume her. Will she make it out of Nate Benedict's claws?

Just as with her debut novel, WHAT I SAW AND HOW I LIED, Judy Blundell brilliantly captures the essence of the time period while providing the reader with easily relatable characters. She taps into the mob mentality that was so crucial to the 1950s, and creates a story as intoxicating as any Broadway show.

Judy Blundell is one of my favorite authors, and will easily become a favorite of yours, too!

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

Book Review Chime

by Franny Billingsley

Briony deserves to be hanged. Or so she desperately believes.

Following the sudden death of her beloved stepmother, Briony and her mentally disturbed sister, Rose, find themselves under the scrutiny of the villagers in the Swampsea. But Briony has a secret. She is a witch, forbidden to go into the swamps she loves so much.

When young Eldric moves into her home, she finds herself with a new friend and secret keeper. Can Briony keep her powers at bay, or will they lead to her demise?

Franny Billingsley provides readers with an enchanting story of a young witch struggling to come to terms with her powers. While at times the plot line can be confusing, fans of paranormal and fantasy novels will consider CHIME a treasure.

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

Book Review Moochi's Mariachis

Moochi's Mariachis
by Mary Ann Hutchison

Moochi is a daughter of the desert, living in Arizona along with her best friends Chico, Ladybug, and Turo. Together, they form the mariachi band Los Mariachis del Desierto Sonora.

When the opportunity arises for them to take part in the Annual International Mariachi Conference, the four friends immediately begin to save money. But will unforeseen problems on the horizon threaten their friendship and keep the mariachis from their dreams?

You'll have to pick up a copy of this delightful read to find out.

Richly rooted in Hispanic culture, MOOCHI'S MARIACHIS is a rare gem. Mary Ann Hutchison peppers her characters' dialogue with Spanish terms, enveloping the reader in her desert world. This one is a must-read treat.

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

Book Review Dogtag Summer

Dogtag Summer
by Elizabeth Partridge

Tracy has never felt like she belonged. In Vietnam, she was con lai, half breed, because her father was an American GI. Life with her new family in America isn't much different.

When she and her best friend, Stargazer, stumble upon her father's old ammo box and war dogtags, they bring on a slew of questions without answers. She is flooded with memories from her past in Vietnam during the war, and she discovers more about herself than she had ever known.

Elizabeth Partridge bravely delves into the complications war has on families. Those who have ever felt as though they were strangers in their own homes will connect with Tracy's struggles to find herself. Alternating between the past and present, the author takes readers on an unforgettable journey.

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

Book Review The Kissing Game:Short Stories

The Kissing Game: Short Stories
by Aidan Chambers

THE KISSING GAME consists of 16 short stories, all centered around love and relationships.

In one story, a girl attempts to break out of the shadow of her sister, only to find that the key to self-worth lies within. In another, a boy believes that he has rescued a girl from a fiery tower, and then discovers that the same event occurred 100 years ago.

Aidan Chambers proves himself to be a master storyteller in this collection of provocative tales dealing with matters of the heart. Each story has its own distinct flavor, and with sixteen in all, every reader will be left feeling satisfied.

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

Book Review Song of the Silk Road

Song of the Silk Road
by Mingmei Yip

Lady Luck hasn't always smiled down on Lily Lin. At just 28, she has lost both of her parents and is working at a dead end job in a Chinese restaurant.

But that all changes when a letter from a mysterious distant relative names her as the sole heiress of a 3 million dollar fortune.

All she has to do is retrace the steps this relative took along the famed Silk Road and complete a series of tasks. So she packs up her life and leaves for an adventure that will bring her more fortune and heartbreak than she had ever imagined.

Mingmei Yip weaves a story as intriguing as the Silk Road itself, filled with passion and self-discovery. The interesting story concept ties together the old ways of China with its bright future. Readers and history buffs alike will find themselves immersed in this captivating novel with rich cultural roots.

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

Book Review Finding Family

Finding Family
by Tonya Bolden

Delana has never known her parents. Raised by her Grandpa and Aunt Tilley, she has very few clues to her past. And when Aunt Tilley suddenly dies, she fears that the last bit of her mother died, too.

An unexpected visit from a relative leads Delana to discover that everything she had been told about her parents was a lie. Can she piece together her mysterious past to discover who she truly is? Find out in FINDING FAMILY.

Tonya Bolden creates a story rich in Southern history in her latest novel. Using the perfect blend of unique characters and photographs from the time period, she leaves the reader feeling completely satisfied from beginning to end.

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

Book Review Summoning

By Debi Faulkner

After being sold into slavery by her desperate parents, Meredith Pennyfather finds herself at Raewald Castle. As a servant to the Vicar Grimsditch, she encounters a dark force summoned by the Vicar himself - a force named Legion.

An exchange is made, one which threatens Meredith's very soul, as well as that of the Vicar's. Overwhelmed by fear and curiosity, she finds herself at the center of a dark ritual with a potentially deadly outcome.

Debi Faulkner presents readers with an intriguing novel about dark magic and a young girl who discovers it. Meredith is a character unlike any other, and her strength to power through obstacles will inspire young readers. With a suspenseful plot line and unique storytelling style, SUMMONING is a sure-fire hit.

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

Book Review The Circle Cast: The Lost Years of Morgan Le Fey

The Circle Cast: The Lost Years of Morgan Le Fey
by Alex Epstein

Anna is the young daughter of a British warrior governor just growing into her extraordinary powers when a terrible event changed her life forever. With her father dead and her mother under the control of a nefarious ruler, this would-be peaceful Wiccan transformed into a scorned woman, desperate for revenge.

At her mother's urging, Anna flees to Ireland, where she would take a new name, Morgan le Fay. Extreme misfortune follows her, as she becomes a prisoner of war, sold into slavery to an elderly wise woman. As Morgan learned the craft, she managed to escape slavery for refuge in a Christian colony.

But can Morgan master her powers and finally get her revenge?

Alex Epstein gives readers a whole new perspective on one of medieval history's most infamous women. By exploring Morgan le Fay's mysterious childhood years, readers' previous conceptions will be easily swayed. History buffs and paranormal/fantasy fans alike will all find a hidden treasure in THE CIRCLE CAST.

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

Book Review Revenge of the Geek

Revenge of the Geek: A Geek High novel
By Piper Banks
At Geek High, being extraordinary is ordinary.

For Miranda Bloom, junior year hasn't quite started off on the right foot. Her boyfriend, Dex McConnell, is off at a Maine boarding school, and her best friends seem too preoccupied to care.

When she meets new girl Nora Lee, Miranda thinks she's finally found a friend who really understands her. That is, until Nora begins to imitate everything Miranda does, from her outfits to her love of writing. And when this begins to effect her relationships, Miranda realizes she needs to end their toxic friendship - and fast.

Miranda, Charlie, and Finn are back and better than ever in this latest addition to the GEEK HIGH series. Piper Banks once again brings readers a story about a geeky girl working through changing friendships and dealing with revenge. The author's multi-dimensional characters play off of one another with a sense of realism that hits close to home for any high schooler.

REVENGE OF THE GEEK is the perfect read for the nerd in all of us!

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

Book Review The Ruby Notebook

The Ruby Notebook
by Laura Resau

Laura Resau shines again with this stunning sequel to the captivating novel THE INDIGO NOTEBOOK.

Zeeta's back and on another exciting adventure, this time in France! Aix-en-Provence is just like a fairy tale, and with her boyfriend, Wendell, coming to visit for the summer, life seems just about perfect.

But when a mysterious CD from a secret admirer ends up in her bag at a marketplace, she is determined to find out his identity. Unfortunately, the fantome and his gifts are the least of her problems, as Zeeta finds herself falling for fellow wanderer, Jean-Claude.

Will her relationship with Wendell last, or is she destined to be with Jean-Claude? Her fantome isn't the only mystery on her mind, though. She soon finds herself on a hunt for the legendary Fountain of Youth. Can Zeeta find an answer to all of her questions? Only time will tell.

Laura Resau has created another captivating tale with heart and insight! You'll fall back in love with Zeeta and find yourself cheering her on as she struggles to adjust to a new country, new friends, and possibly a new love.

For both fans of THE INDIGO NOTEBOOK and newcomers alike, THE RUBY NOTEBOOK won't disappoint.

Reviewed by: Monica Sheffo

Dreaming In Books

Dreaming In Books

Love this site ( and its reviewer!)